The Advaya-Taraka-Upanishad gives an esoteric explanation of the word guru, deriving it from the syllable gu (indicating "darkness") and ru (indicating "dispeller").
Of all the teachers, God-realized adepts are even today given a special place in Hindu society, for they alone are capable of initiating the spiritual seeker into the supreme "knowledge of the Absolute" (brahma-vidya). They alone are sad-gurus (sat-gurus) - "teachers of the Real" or "true teachers." Here, the Sanskrit word sat connotes both "real" and "true". These teachers are celebrated as potent agents of grace. As the Shiva-Samhita states: "By the teacher's grace, everything auspicious for oneself is obtained." And the Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika affirms that without a true teacher's compassion, the state of transcendental spontaneity (sahaja) is difficult to attain.
Because of his or her spiritual realization, the guru is considered to be an embodiment of the Divine itself. [...]
The teacher is not a specific deity but the all-encompassing Divine. This "deification" of the God-realized master must not be misunderstood. He or she is not God in any exclusive sense, but rather is coessential with the transcendental Reality. That is to say, he or she has abrogated the ordinary person's misidentification with a particular body-mind and abides purely as the transcendental Identity of all beings and things.
There is no trace of egoity in the truly enlightened being, for the ego has been replaced by the Self. The body-mind and personality continue for their alloted time, but the enlightened being is no longer implicated by his or her automaticities.
The unenlightened individual, by contrast, believes himself or herself to be a particular "entity", or individuated consciousness, somehow lodged within a body and associated with, possibly even driven by, a particular personality complex. This fatal illusion is gracefully shattered at the moment of enlightenment."
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